Thursday, June 19, 2014

Steubenville - Details for This Weekend (and next!)

Steubenville: What You Need to Know
1. We are kicking off the trip with morning Mass at 8:15 am. Please arrive in time to drop your bags off in the narthex at the back of church before Mass starts. Please eat before you come, or pack yourself some breakfast. (side note – chaperones are picking up our vans at 8:00 am, so if you don’t see them, just go ahead and get seated for Mass).
2. FYI -Confessions start at 7:45 am at Resurrection – we strongly encourage you to kick off the weekend experience with Confession (though it will also be availbe during the youth conference).
3. Anyone wishing to give a farewell to the brave adult chaperones is welcome to bring us a vat of Biggby coffee for the road and promises of rosaries to be prayed on our behalf.
4. We will be departing Steubenville on Sunday, between approximately 1-2 pm. It is hard to know our ETA back home, but we will be calling parents when we are passing Ann Arbor so you have ample time to arrive pick them up. We can safely estimate arriving home between 7-8 pm.
5. Please don’t text/call your teen throughout the weekend – allow them to just experience it and be fully present. In case of emergencies, Guine Christian’s cell phone will be “twinned” to her office phone, so call her at 517-482-4749, ext. 120.
Teen Behavioral Expectations:
    The adult volunteers are giving up time with their families (and sleep) to be with you. Please treat them at all times with respect and give a cheerful “Yes!” to whatever is reasonably asked of you.
    A Youth Conference is a GREAT time for romance- with Jesus. ONLY. Please keep HIM the relational focus of your weekend and let your wardrobe choices reflect that focus! (“Cover your B’s”).
    Do not go anywhere alone – have a buddy and make sure an adult chaperone from our group knows your whereabouts at all times.
    If you experience something intense and you want to talk about it with an adult, all the chaperones are here to talk with you, pray with you. We’re here for you!
    Please say a prayer of openness and bring a journal to write in! Jesus is a gentleman and will wait for permission into your heart.
    We will be making our best effort to eat meals together. Hang with us.

    Meet new people, have fun! Check out the bookstore (you may want to bring spending $$ for this)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Steubenville Updates

Hey, guys! I (Guine) am writing this from the airport as I wait to board a plane that will whisk me away to the National Catholic Youth Ministry Training Convention, hosted by Lifeteen, Inc.! I'm so excited!
I'll flying home on Thursday, June 12th, and returning to the office by Monday June 16th - only a few short days before we leave for Steubenville!

Here are the updates

- Final payments need to be made by June 15th, unless you contact Julie or myself about other arrangements. The total balance (including your deposit) is $200. This covers the conference, t-shirts, and helps to defray the cost of chaperones.

- The Total Sum of what needs to be turned in: (if you need any of these forms, please check the 'Resources' tab of this blog for downloadable versions)

  1. Letter of Intent and $25 deposit
  2. Permission Slip
  3. Health Form. Because we are traveling out-of-state, this must be notarized. However, once filled out, this will be 'good' for the rest of 2014.
  4. Remaining balance ($175, for a total of $200).
  5. You must fill out a Youth Liability Form from Steubenville BOTH electronically, and bring a signed hardcopy Friday morning when we load up to leave.
  6. Adopt-A-Mile Fundraiser Form and monies raised. Each student is asked to find enough people to 'sponsor' 15 miles at $5/mile to cover the cost of our transportation.

A Final note- Because of a difference in number between chaperones required for the vans we have rented, vs. chaperones allowed into the conference, we are looking for SIX additional chaperones who will ride to and from the conference with us. These chaperones will not actually be admitted to the conference, but we will put you up in a hotel for the weekend, and will be counting on you to pray and intercede for them throughout the conference weekend. If you already have VIRTUS/background check compliance on file at Resurrection, we are desperate for you. If you additionally have driver's clearance on file with us, I will bribe and and beg you to accompany us. Please contact Julie or myself if you're interested in serving in this capacity.

Be on the lookout this week for a post taking votes on the T-Shirt design, which we will be ordering very soon.